Sunday, November 22, 2015


Picture taken by me!
A few weeks ago I went to Moab with my family for UEA vacation. We rented a huge RV and when my parents picked me up from school in it, it was a little awkward and embarrassing, but I ended up having so much fun. On my trip to Moab I learned how to drive, bought a pair of super awesome socks and had some really good gelato. I learned how to drive in a razor, which is kind of like a golf cart except faster, and meant for rock crawling; by rock crawling I mean in the vehicle which is very scary.

There were many times in the razor where not only did I think I was going to cry or throw up, I thought we were actually going to die... Luckily we didn't, which is great. Most people probably would not have reacted the same as me but when I was sitting in the backseat of it looking directly up into the blue sky it was pretty freakin' scary. Multiple times I thought, this is the end, we're gonna flip. 
Picture of me freaking out taken by my mom.

Anyways, even though I thought we were going to die I had a lot of fun and got to drive which was very cool. After all of the excitement, we biked into town and shopped around a bit. We had pistachio gelato at a local store and went to a very cool art gallery. Then we came across a tourist shop and they had many amusing shirts, pants and socks there. I decided to get a pair of ten dollar socks. I know that is expensive for socks, but they were a necessity and trust me you'll understand why. The picture of the socks I got says it all.
Image courtesy of Blue Q Socks
My trip to Moab was very fun and filled with near death experiences, as well as joy, socks, and yummy gelato from a local gelato store. In the end, I was sad to go home because I had tons of fun there and made some memories I will never forget. Make sure that if you go to Moab, check out the tourist shop and for sure look at the socks! Thanks for reading, see ya in the next post!

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