Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Neighbourhood, Valfre, and Super 8.

Over the past nine days I worked after school and on Saturdays for Shrek the Musical I got a little bored and sick of listening to the music from it. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy the musical, but after seeing it about 5 times I got a little bit tired and probably wouldn't be able to handle listening to the whole thing six more times. Luckily on Monday of this previous week I discover The Neighbourhood's new album, Wiped Out. Ever since I have been kind of obsessed with the album and especially a few songs on it. I particularly love the songs Cry Baby, Daddy Issues, and R.I.P 2 My Youth by The Neighbourhood if you happen to check out their album. It's right below so you totally should!
Image courtesy of iTunes and The Neighbourhood
Not only did I avoid boredom by blasting music in my ears over the sound of the musical, I also sort of stalked Valfre's Instagram. Lately Valfre's style has really impacted my drawing style as well... Haha, oops. Honestly, I'm not really sure where this blog post is going right now, but I figured I would tell you guys about my new obsessions.
Left picture by me, right image courtesy of Valfre
Image courtesy of IMDb

Last night, during our intermission break for Shrek the Musical I was invited to join someone's film club, which I think will be really fun considering I love film and animation. After they invited me to join they told me that their cousin was a film double/understudy for the main girl character in one of my favorite movies ever, Super 8. I was very happy to first of all not be the only one who loves that movie but also was blown away imagining how great of an experience that must have been for his cousin. She got to work with Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams! I'm so jealous.

For those who haven't seen Super 8 (which you totally should watch if you haven't) it is about a group of kids who make science fiction mini movies. One night they go out to a train track to film a scene and a truck drives directly onto the tracks, colliding with the train. What no one knew though, was that in the train was a creature from outer space. The story follows the kids on their mission to keep the alien from attacking and killing may people.

Anyways, that's about all I can think of to say for this post. I guess that's why procrastinating probably isn't always the best choice, but hey, I still wrote another post! Two posts down, only one more to go. So thank you for reading guys and look forward to another post really soon! Love yall!


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