Sunday, November 22, 2015


Fabulous picture by me!
It was about eight o'clock on Wednesday night at our final dress rehearsal for Shrek the Musical when I realized.... I still have to write three blog posts. Not only do I have to post three blog posts, I have to make three different DIY projects! This was going to be very difficult for me since I still had stage tech after school on Thursday and Friday till ten o'clock, and on Saturday from one p.m. to midnight. How was I supposed to do this all? That's when I decided my blog topic probably needed to change.

Now, flash forward to Saturday and it is our last day of Shrek. I still have only written half a post and I can't think about what to write about. I then figured I would write about all the behind the scenes tech stuff I got to participate in. In the end, even though now I have seen Shrek the Musical a total of eleven times I thought it was a really great show.

Obviously, after the whole crew seeing it eleven times, we were pretty sick and tired of hearing the song Big Bright Beautiful World in the beginning and over-joyed when we heard I'm a Believer at the end. That being said, I still really enjoyed seeing the show every time I did.

Although the tech things I did weren't that complicated and difficult, I felt very accomplished and proud of the show the crew helped put on. Throughout the nine days we worked I became a lot less shy and made some new friends that I probably wouldn't have without this production. At the end of our Saturday double show I even had a really awesome moment that was kind of like the lift from Dirty Dancing but way less cool and I almost fell on my face.
Image courtesy of Popsugar
So, after all of that, we striked. Striking is pretty much just cleaning up all the props and taking the drops down and taking apart the wagons. Striking isn't necessarily fun but Dave really helped us make it so much more fun by giving everyone in the crew flarp. If you don't know what flarp is, it's noise putty. It pretty much is silly putty that makes fart noises. Thanks Dave for going to Walmart at eleven p.m. on a Friday night and buying forty flarp containers. That must have been awkward...
Thanks Walmart for Flarp
Overall, I really enjoyed being part of the stage tech Shrek the Musical crew. Also, Kat I'm so glad you were ogre-joyed with our performance, I know that Chris and I are the best bride ever! I hope everyone on the team had as much fun as I did in the end, and thanks to Will once again for slapping me in the face with flarp. Se ya next time!
~Ariel the gargoyle

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