Thursday, January 28, 2016

My Ideal Reader?

Dear Steven Spielberg,

You are an amazing director who I really look up to. Your films have inspired me to take my time on the videos I make and work hard to make them look good. I really admire your work and hope to one day make films like yours. I especially love your film Super 8, which I had mentioned in one of my other posts and always love the classics like Jurassic Park, E.T. and Indiana Jones. I would love to someday meet you and even work with you, I think it would be an amazing experience and I would be honored to meet the person that has directed so many wonderful films.
Photo courtesy of One Life Success

I make YouTube videos, and always think of how much time and effort you must put into your films as motivation to try my hardest. I would like to become a successful director like you. You are someone I look up to and I appreciate all your work. You have inspired me to work hard on the thing that I love and put forth effort and time to make the end product. I hope to someday meet you or direct films similar to ones you have. My goal is to make movies that people enjoy and love and share with their friends because they enjoyed it so much, just as I do with your films.

I am a ninth grader who aspires to one day be as talented of a director as you. So far my blog has not mentioned my love for film much but in the near future I would like to share more about my hobby and love for film. I really admire you and your films, and you have inspired me to do what I love.

I know you, Steven Spielberg, will probably not see this blog post but if you ever did I would be incredibly amazed and honored. If you did ever see this post, I want you to know what an inspiration and amazing director you are. Your films are amazing works of art and just all around fantastic. I have enjoyed every film I have seen directed by you and know I will continue to love ones you direct in the future.

I look up to you for everything you do, you truly are an amazing director. Thank you so much for inspiring me and for making the wonderful films you have directed.


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