Thursday, January 14, 2016

Old School, 2015 and 2016.

So 2015 has come to an end and we're already a few days into 2016, as well as semester one is coming to it's end. We have been having a lot of finals, and projects and large assignments due. This means a lot of studying, and last minute work, and all sorts of other school related things that take up time. I'm not saying doing these things is bad, but I have realized how much effort and time goes into your work, not only towards the end of the semester or quarter.

Coming from a private school, Treasure Mountain Junior High is very different; there are more finals, projects and assignments that count for a large part of your grade. Although this makes it hard and a bit more time consuming to get a good grade, I like the effort that you have to put into your work. I know a lot of kids feel lazy and usually don't like these types of things, and I don't either but as quarter to is ending I noticed how much I have enjoyed the school year.

At my old school the eighth grade class was composed of fifteen students. This made it very difficult to make friends and meet different people. Although our class was very close, it felt weird not being able to go to a class with other people and make new friends. Coming to TMJH for ninth grade was a huge change, there being so many students and classes. At first it was overwhelming and difficult to adjust to but after coming here I have made new friends that I feel closer with than the other friends I had before. I have had a chance to meet a lot of new people and experience things I didn't have at my private school. I am looking forward to semester two because new semester means new classes and meeting new people. I am very shy but am hoping to become more open and meet new friends.

At my old school things were a bit different, not only because it was smaller but the teaching styles were different and I like coming to TMJH because it's new and a good change. I had been going to Park City Day School, the private school since I was in kindergarten and am very happy to be at a new school.

Picture of my friend Marea and I
Now switching gears to look back on 2015 I would say it's been a pretty great year, and although we're already 14 days into the new year I'm excited to see what the rest of 2016 holds. In 2015 I made some great new friends, had arguments with old ones but eventually found our way back together, and went through hardships but I wouldn't want my year any other way. I am so lucky to have the opportunities and friends I have, especially my closest ones who I can tell anything. My friends are so supportive and I'm so glad to have them in my life. So, to conclude this post, I know it's already 2016 but cheers to whatever the future holds!


P.s. if you want to check out my friend's travel tips blog you can click here, and if you want to check out my other friends blog for pretty much anything click here! :)

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