Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas Spirit!

Christmas is coming up very soon. Now I'm not going to pretend I don't know how many days till Christmas, because I totally do. It's 12 days away. I've literally been counting down the days since the day after Halloween, no joke. Now it's finally approaching faster and I've noticed I'm still one of the only people wearing festive Christmas outfits this past week. I understand some people don't celebrate Christmas, but I hope that at least if people don't show their holiday pride at school they show it at home!

Another thing I'm going be totally honest about, I've listened to absolutely nothing but Christmas music for the last few weeks as well, and I have no shame! Also, aside from when I'm at school I have literally lived in my reindeer onesie that I got around the time of Halloween.
Photo taken by me from camera's self timer

So, although I'm super excited that Christmas is only 12 days away, I'm also really sad because that means it's 13 days away from Christmas being over. With that comes less Christmas music, less time spent with family, and less really really good food. That is the part that makes me sad. And honestly the holiday season is my favorite time of year, so it's hard when it also makes you sad. Well, I'm going to quit boring you with why I love and also don't like Christmas being so soon at the same time.

Let's get onto the fun stuff! Here is what a typical Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is like for me starting on the night of Christmas Eve. I usually open one present early and then spend some time with my family watching a Christmas movie or listening to old traditional Christmas music. I usually go to bed at around ten or ten-thirty and wake up a few minutes later wondering if it's Christmas yet. This continues to happen about fifteen times during the night until eventually I can't stand it and I just decide to stare at the ceiling and pretend to sleep.

Once it's around six a.m. I can't wait any longer so I go wake my parents up and make them get up even thought they hate getting up early. They still love me though... Right? Then I run/fall down the stairs since I'm going so fast and rush towards the tree. I then usually spend all morning opening presents and don't eat breakfast till noon when I feel super sick! Although my Christmas doesn't sound super fun, it's my favorite day of the year.

That's my Christmas "ritual" that pretty much happens the same every year, give or take a few things. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my love for Christmas, reindeer onesies, and all the other things in between! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, or happy holidays if you don't celebrate it! See you on my next post!
~Ariel the reindeer

Oh, and p.s. incase you want to count the days down with me you can check out this Christmas countdown site!

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