Sunday, March 20, 2016

March Favorites

Now that March is somewhat close to coming to it's end, I figured I might share some things I enjoyed this month with you guys. This will include music, random products, food and other stuff, that probably don't all go together, nor have anything to do with March but I thought I would share them anyways.

1. The Neighbourhood has become one of my favorite bands over the past few months. Although most of my friends think their music is depressing, I really like the music and the lyrics. It is alternative style or genre and if you like Saint Motel, Walk the Moon, or The 1975, The Neighbourhood is fairly similar. If you do listen to their music, make sure to check out the songs West Coast, $TING, Daddy Issues, and Sweater Weather.

Image courtesy of Mashable
2. Another band I've come to like is called Two Door Cinema Club. Their music is alternative as well, but a bit more up-beat and fun. I personally like the songs Sun, I Can Talk, Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix), and What You Know. Two Door Cinema Club's music is similar to music from bands like The Wombats, and Foster The People.

3. I'll Give You The Sun, by Jandy Nelson, is my new favorite book. It follows the story of twins Noah and Jude. I find it to be a very artistic book and I really enjoyed it. It switches perspectives about every chapter. When the twins are younger, around the age of thirteen, it is told from Noah's perspective. Then later on when the twins are sixteen it is told from Jude's perspective. For a more descriptive summary of the story you can check out this website. Overall, it was a very good book and I liked it a lot, so  I definitely recommend it.

4. I have been drawing a lot lately and about two months ago I purchased some Copic Markers, which are very high quality and super great for people who are serious about artwork. Although they are a bit expensive, I find them to work really well and hope to purchase more. You can find Copic Markers at Michael's for about seven dollars apiece, and they have a variety of colors ranging from skin tones to bright and bold ones.

5. So this is quite different from most everything else I've mentioned but lately I've really been liking "Chobani Flip" greek yogurt. Pretty much it's yogurt with a little compartment on the side that you flip over and dump into the yogurt (I am really bad at explaining this). They have a lot of different flavors and toppings but my personal favorites are key lime crumble, almond coco loco, and chocolate haze craze. You can see all the different flavors on Chobani's "Flip" website.

6. I've also recently been painting my nails a lot and have come to find some new favorite colors and brands of nail polish. One is Sally Hansen's Insta-Dry, Color Me Good nail polish. It is a light mint blue-green color and it's super cute. Another color I really like is To Buy Or Not To Buy, a light lavender color with a bit of shimmer from Essie. Last but not least I love the color Ithaque from NARS, which is similar to a baby pink shade.
So I hope you guys enjoyed my March favorites and I'll see you in my next post!

Hope, A Short Story

Hello! Today I figured I'd share a short story with you guys that I wrote a little bit ago! The picture below is a drawing (not by me) of what I imagined Hope, the main character would look like. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy!

I walk down the hall studying the faces of all the students. It’s fun people watching, especially in school. You can always see how much alike everyone is. All the girls and boys come from perfect molds in the factories, and grow up to be just like their mommies and daddies. But not me; at least that’s what I like to think. Sometimes I feel like I have to be different. Even if people aren’t actually the same in looks, or height, or weight, or whatever, in the end really everyone is the same. We all have insecurities, and we all want to be like one another. That’s why I’m different I suppose. Because I don’t want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to come from the perfect factory mold. I want to be me.
“Hope, wait up!” I hear a voice from behind me and turn to see Cole.
“Hey,” I say, smiling. Cole is one of the only people in this school besides myself that isn’t afraid to be himself. I’m not afraid to be me, and neither is he.
“You look nice today,” He compliments and I nudge him. I didn’t really spend time putting together my outfit so I was happy that it looked alright. I had put on a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, black doc martins, and a nirvana t-shirt.
“Thanks babe,” I reply winking. And just for clarification, Cole and I are not a ‘thing’, I just call almost everyone babe, mostly my friends.
“Nothing to say about me?” He asks, gesturing to his outfit and hair.
“You look awful,” I say and chuckle. He smacks my shoulder but I know he’s joking and he knows I’m joking so we’re good.
“Why thank you,” He says rolling his eyes.
“You got it!” I exclaim as we round the corner into the language hallway.
“So, what’s up with you and Liam?” He asks and I blush a little.
“I don’t understand the question,” Is the first thing that comes to my mind so that’s what I say.
“Oh shut up, of course you do.” He says. I shake my head and look at the ground.
“There’s nothing going on between us.”
“Oh please!” He exclaims and I elbow him gently.
“Cole, nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I say as we round the corner.
“Fine, fine. I’ll leave it, but everyone knows you like him.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem. He doesn’t like me back.”
“Well, then don’t waste your time,” He says before entering his next class. I keep walking and head towards the science room.
Hope, image courtesy of SkyHDWallpaper
Science is honestly my least favorite, but I have it with Liam. Sometimes, that’s a plus and others it’s awkward. Well, I’m awkward. I walk in and immediately see him but take a seat at my assigned table and look at the floor. Sometimes we talk, but that’s usually when it’s the worst because I get so nervous. It’s stupid and I should stop but every time he looks at me my breath gets caught in my throat and I feel like drowning in my own thoughts. The bell rings and everyone stops talking then takes their seats.
“Class, today we’ll be working in partners on a lab. Please choose someone you will work well with,” the teacher says and I look at Liam and our eyes meet. I quickly look away, blush creeping onto my cheeks.
“Hey, Hope,” he says as he approaches me. I try to smile and nod at him.
“Hi,” I barely choke out, knowing I probably sound like a dying mouse.
“Would you like to be partners?” He asks and I look at him with my eyes wide.
“Uh, sure,” I reply.
He takes a seat next to me and I open my science textbook. We work on the project and talk like we’ve known each other forever until the bell rings and we pack up. He waves with a small smile as I exit the classroom and I can’t help but smile as I walk toward my next class. Cole taps my shoulder and I smile at him but don’t say anything.
“What’s up with you?” He asks while laughing and I look away.
“Nothing, I just talked with Liam,” I reply.
“Oh, how’d that go?” He smiles.
“Good, I guess.”
“Well, I got to go but good luck with him,” He says before walking into his next class and leaving me to walk alone. I still smile though as I think about Liam and science class.
“Hope, wait up!” I hear a voice say and turn around. I see Liam walking toward me quickly and my smile widens.
“Hey, what’s up?” I ask, a bit confused since we just talked a few minutes ago.
“I should’ve asked you earlier but didn’t have the courage. I realized that was stupid, and I was uh— wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me?” He asks and my cheeks grow red.

“I’d love to.”

What did you think? I hope you liked it, and I'll be back soon with another post. If you like writing here is a great website for writing prompts to help get your story started. See you guys soon in my next post!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

My Not Very Exciting Events Of March!

This March, not much has happened in my life. Honestly not much happens regularly but every English class it was mentioned that we should write a blog post if anything interesting or exciting happens and no matter how many times I racked my brain for an interesting event that occurred there was nothing. That is until yesterday, when I finally convinced my parents to take me down to Heber to take my permit test. I have been repeatedly asking them since my birthday but always got the same excuse. Finally after about a month it actually happened, because just yesterday before the test I had been fifteen for about a month and 7 days and still had not even gone to take the test.

So right after school my parents picked me up and took me to the Drivers License Department and it was not very exciting, contrary to my parents beliefs. About every five minutes I caught my dad attempting to sneakily take a picture of me. After a while he finally stopped and then I took the permit test. I missed seven questions, so I barely even passed but luckily I did and the minute I was done taking it I had pretty much already forgotten the majority of the questions asked. My parents and another student coming to take the test had asked what it was like but somehow, I couldn't even remember the questions of a test I had taken just five minutes before. That's sort of sad, I mean come on Ariel... Really? This experience really was nothing special at all, but I am proud to say I can officially drive now... That is if there is an adult in the car with me, but that's besides the point. So as of March sixteenth I can now drive with someone over the age of eighteen, can't wait until I can drive by myself.

Picture of Miraculous Ladybug courtesy of TV Tropes
Not much else exciting has happened this March, but I have found my obsession with music by the band The Neighbourhood has grown, as well as my liking for a new animated show (Miraculous Ladybug, yes I do realize it is a children's show), but really neither of those things are very cool. Aside from those two events, I have also noticed how under-celebrated St. Patrick's Day is. Today I walked into school with a green floral headband and bright green sweater,
that I don't particularly even like, thinking other people would dress up in green attire, but really I saw very few people. Most teachers did not even wear green clothing. I was sort of disappointed this morning, but I just went with it. I still kind of regret wearing green clothing, but I mean what can you do?

As for any other exciting or memorable events, I have none. Overall March has been pretty boring, especially since there are no holidays other than St. Patrick's Day, there are no breaks from school, and next week the quarter is coming to an end, which means many many finals. Personally I am not looking forward to finals. Honestly I don't know anyone who ever is. With finals come lots of studying and stress, not that studying is a bad thing but stress isn't really a good thing. That being said, March has still been a great month, and due to it's lack of exciting events, it has been a pretty laid-back and relaxing month, which has been nice.

Anyways, hope everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day and enjoyed the blog post. See you again in the next post which will most likely be tomorrow!
~Ariel :)