Tuesday, October 20, 2015

DIY Food #2 - Apple "Cookies"

Hi again! It's Ariel, back with another super delicious recipe for you! This DIY is great for a snack, dessert, finger food, or just for fun! My second DIY project is, apple "cookies". Apple "cookies" are very yummy, and healthy, and great for any occasion. These are also super great treats for children if you are babysitting!

First you want to gather all of your ingredients. I will be using:

  1. Apples - Green or red work perfectly fine but I prefer red.
  2. Peanut Butter - If you have an allergy, soy butter, sun butter, or almond butter are great substitutes.
  3. Nutella - You can use plain melted chocolate if you'd like, or even chocolate syrup but I personally like Nutella.
  4. Chocolate Chips - You can use dark, milk, or white chocolate but I will be using milk.
  5. Pretzels - You can use any type, I will be using regular pretzels.
  6. Granola - This is optional if you do not want it.
You can use any other ingredients you would like for a different variety, and the steps to making this simple snack will work for any other ingredients you'd like!

To make the apple "cookies", you will also need an apple corer to remove the center of the apple. You want to start by taking your apple and pushing the corer into the center, then raise it out and and rotate it a little then push it back in. Repeat the process until the whole center of the apple is cut out. The you can remove the core and your apple is ready for slicing!

Next slice the horizontally into thin slices, about a quarter inch. This will be your "cookie" to put the toppings on. Once you have cut all of your apple you can begin to spread on peanut butter or Nutella. I made a few of each kind but you can choose to do however many of each that you would like.

Now for the toppings! First spread the peanut butter on the apple. Then, on the peanut butter "cookie" I am also adding a few chocolate chips for flavor.

As for the Nutella "cookie" I spread on the Nutella, and then add granola and crushed pretzels for texture and yummy flavor!

Now you can repeat this process for the other slices and and enjoy! I really hope you enjoyed this project, I think it's super easy and fun to make! Feel free to request any project or recipe you'd like, I'm always up for a challenge! I also would love feedback and suggestions! Thanks again for stopping by again, and I'll be back with another post soon! Also, check out I SPY DIY for some cool DIY projects! See you soon with an all new DIY! :)


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