Thursday, May 12, 2016

Coming to An End?

When I first started this blog, I was not only new at the school and shy, but a bit skeptical about the idea of having a blog. I was scared of what the people reading would think about it (even though I'm pretty sure only about three people actually read my blog). Over the course of having this blog I've grown as a person, made new friends, and become more comfortable with sharing my interests and experiences. Sometimes of the course I'v had trouble thinking of things to write about, or how to make it appeal to the readers but I've learned from not only this blog and class, but my whole experience while here that I should not care what people think of me because I am who I am. And trust me, I know for a fact that that is definitely easier said than done.

photo of me, taken by me
Although letting go of your anxiety or worries of what people think about you is difficult, I think it's really important and this blog helps to be able to do that. Because I can be myself when writing these posts. Not only because maybe some people reading this are not from this school, or state or even country. I highly doubt the reality of that, but imagining that helps me feel more comfortable being myself on this blog.

I've also learned over the course of this year that this blog is kind of like my personal diary that I can write down my thoughts and opinions inside. I can rant about things or express my thoughts and feelings, as if it is my diary. Only a few people will read it anyways, and so I like the idea of being able to post my thoughts.

As for how this blog has helped me become who I am today... I don't feel much different but I do know I'm more comfortable with talking to people and sharing ideas. I am still quite shy and quiet around people I am not close friends with, but in the end at least we have something to talk about. If I am at some sort of get together and see a fellow Honors English student that I don't really ever talk to, here's one more thing to talk about to keep it from becoming awkward, haha.

Overall, this blog has been a really great experience, and although I don't think I am going to continue posting, I am looking forward to reflecting on these blog post when I get a bit older. I think it'll be cool to look back at these blog posts in ten or fifteen years. Anyways, to finish off this final post, I want to thank whoever reads this for reading it. This has been a fun journey and I enjoyed writing these posts, even if no one ever read them! I also want to thank my friends for being the two or three people who read my blog and you can check them out on Teen Travel Tips and Anything And Everything.

Thanks for everything,

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